Founded in 1926, the Russian Children’s Welfare Society (RCWS) is a tax exempt 501 c 3 non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of orphaned and disadvantaged children in Russia. Additionally, RCWS is supporting Russian schools and educational programs in the US. The RCWS on-going projects in Russia include: a successful college scholarship program currently supporting 136 students; medical programs such as pediatric maxillofacial surgeries in partnership with the Rusfond for over 100 children annually; assistance to orphanages, rehabilitation centers for children with special needs, schools; and an annual “Yelka” (a Christmas and New Year celebration) in Moscow for over 1,000 disadvantaged children visiting from many areas of Russia, and other programs.
In response to the epidemic, RCWS established the COVID-19 Russia Relief Fund to help save doctors treating the infected patients and equip hospitals with critically needed protective gear. Thank you for your support!